Friday, August 21, 2015

Our daughter was bitten by a rattlesnake. Fear and Ignorance isn’t the answer!

Our daughter was bitten by a rattlesnake.  Fear and Ignorance isn’t the answer!
Let’s take a responsible approach to co-existing with rattlesnakes in cottage country! 

Lately, we have been reading all about the uprising of rattlesnake ‘attacks’ in cottage country and quite frankly, I am quite disappointed.  Let me begin by saying that I am not the biggest fan of rattlesnakes, or snakes in general.  They scare me.  However, I do have a healthy respect for them and understand their role and importance in our environment. 

We have been enjoying the cottage experience on Georgian Bay for a very long time. In fact, my family has been coming to the Bay for generations. We love its wild beauty and the organic ruggedness of her shores.  We love how it makes us feel alive and how we can enjoy its mostly untouched environment and experience nature in all of its glory. It is definitely for the adventurous and the wild at heart!

Part of the beauty and allure of Georgian Bay is its creatures of which the rattlesnake is one.  We have seen many rattlesnakes over the years and I can even tell you that our youngest daughter was bitten by one 6 years ago on her birthday of all days.  And yet, it bothers me to no end to hear about their villain-like, attacking nature.  Although I was understandably VERY upset when our daughter was bitten, I have had time to reflect and come to a better understanding of these reptiles.  I have come to a place of respect and knowledge, rather than ignorance and fear.  

Our daughter’s story is unique and worth telling.  On Nikki’s 15th birthday, we we all gathered at the family cottage on Georgian Bay.  Our youngest daughter and our two grown children, their partners, my parents…we were all here (I write from there now). It was a special time as my father had terminal cancer and was in his final days.  The time was sacred and my dad wanted to be on the Bay.  He wanted to be with family.  He just loved to go out in the boat and fish along the shores of the Bay, exclaiming that “he had already died and gone to heaven.” 

For this birthday, we chose to surprise Nikki with a mountain bike.  We were so excited to see her face light up when she saw it.  We had gone to great lengths to get it to our water access property without her knowing! Needless to say she was thrilled when she received her gift and promptly jumped on it and took off over the septic bed.  That young girl wasn’t on that bike 30 seconds and she had launched herself off of the septic bed and was flying through the air.  30 seconds later, she was calling for her dad and requesting that I stay on the deck.  10 minutes later, Gary was taking our daughter to the Parry Sound Emergency department to have the back of her leg sewn back together.  Not exactly what we had envisioned as part of a birthday celebration! 

While Gary and Nikki were at the hospital, I made a large birthday dinner to celebrate our birthday week (Gary and our 3 children all have birthdays in the same week). Several hours later, they were on their way back from the hospital and dinner was prepared and waiting. We were excited to continue with our birthday celebration.  When I saw the boat lights approaching the dock, I ran down to the boat to greet my wounded daughter. “Dinner is ready and waiting,” I exclaimed.  We were thrilled that they were back.  We proceeded to walk up the path to the cottage, when Nikki yelled, “a snake!”  She jumped out of the way as we peered down at the rattlesnake on the rock.  Of course, we all avoided it and chuckled at Nikki’s ongoing misfortune - “almost bitten by a rattler!”  Well, we commented too soon.  When we got up to the cottage, we took a moment to look at the extensive stitches that Nikki had received,  sewing the back of her leg together.  It was significant.  However, as we were looking at her stitches, we glanced at her other leg only to see two holes with blood dripping down from them. She had been bitten by a rattlesnake! We looked in disbelief.  How could this be? 

We made the appropriate phone calls to EMS,  and promptly escorted Nikki back to the boat.  Expecting us, the Parry Sound Emergency department was on standby.  As we entered the Emergency Room doors, Gary and Nikki were greeted by hospital staff as well as those they had met hours earlier while waiting to be ‘stitched up.’ “Why are you back?” they questioned.  They truly did not expect to hear that she had been bitten by a rattlesnake on her other leg. It was somewhat surreal, and extremely unnerving!

Nikki was kept at the hospital for 24 hours.  We did not leave her side.  The West Parry Sound hospital’s rattlesnake bite protocol is amazing! The staff were amazing!  Nikki was amazing! We learned that Nikki had received a dry bite. A dry bite is a warning bite where very little or no venom is released.  Nikki was very fortunate and received very little venom in her system and  thankfully did not require the anti-venom treatment.  

To this day, Nikki loves snakes and all forms of wildlife. She has a great respect for rattlesnakes, but she is not afraid of them.  After all, the snake that bit her gave her a warning bite rather than a venomous bite! We continue to live, work and play on Georgian Bay and rattlesnakes are around.  We have heard many stories, have lived our own experience, and have chosen to learn more about these creatures.  They are part of our environment and they are living in their habitat. We need to learn more about rattlesnakes, to become educated and understanding rather than to respond in fear and ignorance. Yes, there have been rattlesnake bites this year, but why? What were the circumstances? How could they have been prevented? How many were dry bites? What should we be learning and teaching our children about rattlesnakes? In our opinion, generating fear, loathing and disrespect for this reptile is irresponsible and unenlightened.  Let’s take some time to understand rattlesnakes and to develop a healthy respect for them.  We don’t have to love snakes, but we do think that we do need to take a responsible approach to co-existing with them in cottage country!

Here’s a few things that we have learned: 

  1. Rattlesnakes do not want to be around humans 
  2. Large rattlesnakes have the ability to give warning (or dry) bites
  3. Smaller rattlesnakes are less likely to be able to give a warning bite and consequently their bites can be more potent 
  4. Rattlesnakes do not want to be around us
  5. Rattlesnakes like warm places to heat their bodies, especially during mating and birthing seasons
  6. Rattlesnake bites are mostly preventable; most happen on the foot
  7. When walking in brush and in wetlands, wear socks, boots and long pants
  8. Don’t stick your hands under rocks and brush without taking a peek first
  9. Listen when you are walking; rattlesnakes let you know they are there 
  10. Back away slowly if you encounter a rattlesnake; they will not chase or attack you
  11. Wear socks and shoes at night. Carry a flashlight to see where you are walking
If you are bitten:
  1. Stay calm and reduce movement
  2. Clean the wound with soap and water
  3. Call Emergency Services - 911 
  4. Do not apply ice or a tourniquet
  5. Do not cut or apply suction to the bite area
  6. Remove clothing and jewelry around the area as it may swell

Remember to try and stay calm and to soothe the person that has been bitten. Watch for swelling, discolouration, dizziness, pain at the site, blurred vision, heavy sweating and prickling in other parts of the body as this is a sign of a venomous bite. Look for signs of shock such as paleness, rapid heartbeat, enlarged pupils, fast breathing and nausea.  Lay the person down and cover them if you notice these signs. Avoid alcohol and caffeine. And remember to assure the person that help is on the way and that very affective rattlesnake bite treatment and protocols are available.  

For more information visit: 
West Parry Sound Health Centre

Massasauga Rattlesnake Provincial Antivenom Depot

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Great Lakes Water Quality & Levels

Water quality and the water levels in the Great Lakes has been a concern to many in cottage country for some time. Georgian Bay water levels were falling at a significant rate for a number or years, however in the last two years we have seen an unprecedented rise in the water levels. The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between Canada and the United States has led to a coordinated effort between the two countries and information is readily available for us to track the information being shared. Below is some information about the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) and Weekly Great Lakes Water Level information shared through the US Army Corps of Engineers.

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement with the United States:

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) is an agreement between Canada and the United States, first signed in 1972.  It contributes to the quality of life of millions of Canadians by identifying shared priorities and coordinating actions to restore and protect the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the waters of the Great Lakes.

In amending the agreement in 2012, the Governments of Canada and the United States have committed to a shared vision of a healthy and prosperous Great Lakes region in which the waters of the Great Lakes, through their sound management, use, and enjoyment, provide benefits to present and future generations. To this end, Canada and the United States recognize the importance of taking action, resolving existing environmental issues and anticipating and preventing future problems.

Through the GLWQA, Canada and the United States, in consultation and cooperation with other levels of government, First Nations and Métis organizations, businesses, non-governmental entities, and the public will develop programs, technologies and other measures necessary to better understand the Great Lakes ecosystem, and to restore and protect water quality and ecosystem health.

Environment Canada Retrieved January 10, 2015

Weekly Great Lakes Water Levels:

The Great Lakes basin experienced normal temperatures last weekend. During the early part of the work week temperatures plunged across the area  as a blast of arctic air moved in with daytime highs as low as 25 degrees below normal. Temperatures are predicted to continue to be frigid through Saturday, and then climb towards normal by the middle of next week.
Above average snowfall is expected across much of the basin in the coming week with the heaviest amounts falling on the eastern shores of the Great Lakes. Lakes Michigan-Huron is 22 inches above their levels of a year ago. Lakes Michigan-Huron are predicted to fall 1 inch over the next 30 days. Lake Michigan-Huron’s outflow into the St. Clair River and Lake St. Clair’s outflow into the Detroit River are projected to be above average in January.

US Army Corps of Engineers
Retrieved January 9, 2015

Friday, January 9, 2015

Great Lakes Water Level Set to Hit 15 Year High

This spring, cottagers along the Great Lakes who have been anxious about disappearing shorelines are in for the highest water levels in 15-years, thanks to two unusually wet years.

Last month, Lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan, and Erie were above their average monthly levels for the first time since the late 1990s, when the levels began decreasing. Experts believe that the dredging of the links between lakes to accommodate shipping and increased evaporation from climate change could have caused the low levels.

“On Superior, Michigan, and Huron, we haven’t seen two-year water level increases of this magnitude” in recorded history, said Keith Kompoltowicz, a hydrologist with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers district office in Detroit, in an interview with the CBC.

Kompoltowicz says the high water levels are partly due to heavy rain and the abundance of snow that accumulated over the lake and their watersheds. Last winter’s ice coverage, which covered over 90 percent of the lakes total surface area, could have also slowed down winter evaporation. (Thank you, Polar Vortex!)

This six-month forecast is a sharp contrast to just two years ago, when Lakes Michigan and Huron levels were the lowest since the government first began keeping records in 1818. Lake Ontario was the only Great Lake that maintained average water levels because of hydropower dams that control the flow.

Although scientists believe these levels will be maintained for the next six months, they cannot make predictions beyond that.

“When we have a warming climate system, the bottom line is that it yields greater year-to-year variability,” said Jim Noel of the NOAA Ohio River weather forecasting centre to the CBC.

The Great Lakes contain 20 percent of the world’s freshwater supply and provides drinking water to approximately 40 million households. The Great Lakes are also home to more than 3,500 species of plants and animals.

And the impact of the low water levels reaches beyond the ecosystem. A study published last June by the Mowat Centre, a public policy think tank based in Ontario, and conducted by the Council of the Great Lakes Region, found that the long-term effects of low water levels could mean a loss of $18.82 billion USD by 2050.

According to the report, commercial shipping, waterfront property values, recreational boating, the fishing economy and hydroelectric generation are the most vulnerable to low water levels.

And while the Polar Vortex may have helped water levels, it’s certainly not a long-term solution to rely on.

“This unusual set of winter conditions will only break temporarily the long-term climate-warming trend affecting Great Lakes levels and water qualities,” said Jim Bruce, a former senior official with Environment Canada, in a statement for the International Joint Commission.


Written By Samantha Edwards

Retrieved: January 9, 2015

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Our Story: The Phillips Team

Karen Phillips, MA
Executive Assistant
Gary Phillips, Realtor

"We understand and respect the fact that cottages are where we build many of our dearest and heartfelt memories!"
As young professionals, Gary & Karen understood the benefits to owning a cottage and enjoying a cottage lifestyle. They chose to purchase a cottage property for themselves, their children and their extended family and friends. Gary & Karen purchased a century lodge and spent a number of years restoring a building that was arguably a “tear down,” but also held generations of memories for local cottagers and residents in their neighbourhood. After four years of renovations, the Woods Bay Lodge renovation was completed and continues to stand as it has for over 100 years as a historical icon in the community. Today, Gary and Karen continue to share this special place and the cottage lifestyle with their grown children and grand-children. 
Karen & Gary care deeply about their community and are committed to community development and building initiatives. One of The Phillips’ Team’s favourite contributions to their community is the Woods Bay Lodge Summer Concert Series ( Community members are invited to participate in a night of gourmet food and live music with their neighbours, friends and new friends a the Phillips’ beloved Woods Bay Lodge. To date, the Woods Bay Summer Concert Series has enjoyed the talent of Jason McCoy of Road Hammers Fame (, Tom Wilson of Blackie & the Rodeo Kings (, Scarlett Jane, Dre Flack and the Kitchen Party Band (,and Coco Love Alcorn ( And, Karen & Gary are not only passionate about real estate, they genuinely love people, great food, wine and music! 
Karen & Gary genuinely understand that cottages are where families and friends build many of their dearest and most heartfelt memories!

Meet The Phillips Team

The Phillips Team, Cottage Real Estate

The Phillips Team are a full service cottage country real estate team that provides each client with real estate services that are tailored to meet their needs. With unique and diverse skills, Gary & Karen combine their individual expertise and experience to create a team approach that recognizes the importance of building and maintaining client relationships, possessing market knowledge,understanding technology,and accessing resources to effectively meet their client’s needs. 

Meet our Team: Karen Phillips, Executive Assistant

The Phillips Team, Cottage Real Estate

Marketing/Social Media/Researcher/Writer & Blogger
Karen is highly skilled in administration, community development and human services. She has many years experience working in brain injury rehabilitation, mental health counselling, and post-secondary education in progressively responsible positions. Continuously engaged in the pursuit of academic credentials and professional goals, Karen holds a Double Honours Undergraduate Degree in History and English, a Post Graduate Diploma in Communicative Disorders, an Advanced Degree in Health Services Administration, and a Masters Degree, Integrated Studies with a double specialization in Educational Studies and Adult Education. For years, Karen has been actively involved in real estate transactions in her private life, and coming from a family of Realtors, has a strong understanding of the real estate business. This interest contributed significantly to her decision to join Gary as his Executive Assistant in January 2014.  Her education and professional experience ideally positions her to contribute to the educational perspective of The Phillips Team as well as the ongoing administrative work required to provide exceptional service to clients buying and selling cottage country real estate. Karen provides the behind the scenes administrative support in social media, marketing, advertising and organizational planning, creating a strong platform from which Gary is able to assist his clients with attentive, informative and proactive real estate services.   Evident in her professional path, Karen truly cares about people and believes strongly in providing service with integrity and authenticity. She maintains strong relationships with her friends and family, and is very proud of their three grown children, two of whom have completed their education to go on to successful careers in real estate and business marketing, and their youngest who is completing her education in the field of nursing medicine. Karen also views her involvement in her local cottage country community as a both a pleasure and a privilege.

Meet our Team: Gary Phillips, Realtor

The Phillips Team, Cottage Real Estate

Adventurous/Social/Detail Oriented/Strong Negotiator
Bringing extensive knowledge of the unique cottage country real estate market to his position as an accomplished and respected Realtor, Gary represents discriminating buyers and sellers throughout the Parry Sound-Muskoka district. Gary offers his clients an exceptional level of service. He skillfully utilizes his many years of experience, working with Fortune 500 companies as an accomplished entrepreneur in Ontario’s manufacturing industry, with his years of experience purchasing, owning, developing and selling cottage country property. Known by clients and colleagues for his strong work ethic, tenacity, perseverance, and honesty, Gary enjoys an excellent reputation for meeting his client’s needs and expectations. Gary listens and educates his clients, provides his expertise, and respects his client’s time. Always the consummate professional, Gary recognized the importance of a team approach to serving his clients and formed “The Phillips Team” in 2013 after 5 years of full-time real estate practice. With the support of an Executive Assistant, Gary is able to respond to his client’s phone and email messages in a timely way, resulting in the continued development of his business portfolio of referrals from past and current clients. Combining his strong business background and entrepreneurial skills, years of experience as a full-time Realtor, and dedication to ongoing education in his field, Gary provides an exceptional choice for anyone ready to purchase or sell property in the Parry-Sound Muskoka real estate district. His charisma, salesmanship, and strong but fair negotiation skills, continue to contribute to Gary’s ongoing success in the real estate industry. He is passionate about his work and is genuinely invested and engaged with the clients he serves. Today, in addition to his commitment to his real estate practice, Gary is very involved with his family and their three grown children, two of whom have completed their education to go on to successful careers in real estate and business marketing, and their youngest who is completing her education in the field of nursing medicine. Gary is also a community minded individual who is committed to the efforts of community building in his local cottage country neighbourhood.

The Phillips Team